Design Awards

RainShine House Atlanta
2011 Curbed Atlanta Honor Award, Most Innovative, Beautiful New Home2010 Grand Design Award, Custom Home Magazine
2010 Design Award, City of Decatur Historic Preservation Commission
Merit Award for Excellence in Architecture 2009, South Atlantic Region American Institute of Architects
Merit Award for Excellence in Architecture 2010, Georgia Chapter American Institute of Architects
U. S. Green Building Council-Georgia 2010 Award Honorable Mention for Excellence in Sustainability

Folk Pottery Museum of North Georgia
2011 North America Wood Design & Building Merit Award, Canadian Wood Council.
Honor Award for Excellence in Architecture 2009, South Atlantic Region American Institute of Architects
Honor Award for Excellence in Architecture 2008, Georgia Association American Institute of Architects
Interior Beauty of Wood Design Award 2009, Woodworks Southeast Non-Residential Awards.
2008 World Architecture Community Award in 5. Cycle Cultural Buildings/Museums category.

Briarcreek Farmhouse
Southern Living Best New Home Award, October 2008, Southern Living Magazine
Award for Excellence in Architecture 2007, Georgia Chapter American Institute of Architects
Grand Award 2008 Accessory Building for Dock Shelter, Custom Home Magazine
2008 Merit Award Custom Home

St. John Residence
Award for Excellence in Architecture 2001, Georgia Chapter American Institute of Architects
Southern Home Award 1999, Southern Living Magazine
1998 Merit Award for Design Excellence South Atlantic Regional Council of American Institute of Architects.

Early Branch Farm
2011 Citation for Design Excellence, Georgia Chapter American Institute of Architects, for Tea House and Cottage Addition
Honor Award for Design, Historic Preservation Category 1995, Southern Home Awards, Southern Living Magazine
Honor Award for Design Excellence 1994, Georgia Chapter American Institute of Architects
Citation for Design Excellence, American Wood Council Wood Design Awards 1994, American Forest & Paper Association, Washington, D.C.

7Stages Theater
Atlanta Urban Design Commission Award of Excellence 1998; Challenge Grant Design Award, National Endowment for the Arts.

Studio 7 Lofts
First Place 2001, Restoration Category, American Concrete Institute, Georgia Chapter.

Garage Studio Addition
Award for Excellence in Architecture, Georgia Chapter American Institute of Architects

Museum of the Cherokee Indian
Honor Award for Design, North Carolina Chapter American Institute of Architects

Haywood County Medical Center
Honor Award for Design, South Atlantic Region American Institute of Architects and North Carolina Chapter American Institute of Architects
National Exhibition Award for Design, Hospital Administrators of America.

Asheville General Mail Facility
National Honor Award for Design, Precast Concrete Institute of America.

Marleine Reader Harris Media Center
Honor Award for Design, South Atlantic Region American Institute of Architects and North Carolina Chapter American Institute of Architects.

Sandler Hudson Gallery
National “Outstanding Achievement Award”, Design Institute of Business Designers and Interior Design Magazine
Honor Award for Excellence in Architecture, Georgia Chapter American Institute of Architects and Honor Award for Excellence in Architecture, Atlanta Chapter American Institute of Architects
Florida Bar Journal “Office of the Year” 1987

Pool Pavilion and Gardens
Merit Award for Design Excellence 1993, Georgia Chapter American Institute of Architects
First Prize Sympathetic Additions 1991, National Trust for Historic Preservation Great American Home Awards

Atkinson Elementary School
Schools of Interest, Division of School Planning, North Carolina Department of Public Instruction

Hunter Douglas Showroom
Showroom of the Year 1989, Montreal Design Center

City of Escondido, California
National Endowment for the Arts Urban Design Competition Finalist

City of Columbus, Indiana
Second Place

Ranch Style Redux
2015 Green Building & Design Green Awards, Honorable Mention

Inchyra House
Award of Honor, Single Family Non Traditional Design, Atlanta Chapter American Institute of Architects, 2017
Award of Merit, Unbuilt Category, Residential Design Awards 2015, Atlanta Chapter American Institute of Architects
Printed Publications

Robert M. Cain, Architect
Kepel Objects, 4th Quarter 2015, "Inspiration & Process: An Interview with Robert M. Cain, Arief Setiawan

RainShine House Atlanta
RainShine House and the Robert M. Cain, Architect design studio, included in Design Art of Villa book, (2011) ArtPower International Publishing : Hong Kong
Building & Investment, Sept-October 2010 issue
Green Building Chronicle, September 2010, “RainShine: Modern and LEED Platinum in Decatur” covering sustainable design features
INTROspective Magazine, February 2011, “LEED-ers of the Pack”
Green Building & Design Magazine, October 2010 issue, "Simply Sustainable”
Architecture List of Great Architecture [online], July 2010, “RainShine House Receives Two More Prestigious Design Awards”</li>
Atlanta Home Improvement Magazine, April 2010 issue, “Green Home in Rain or Shine”
Eco-Urban Design book, John A. Flannery and Karen Smith. Springer : United Kingdom
Architecture of LOW Energy Consumption book, International New Landscape : Shanghai
BuilderNews national magazine cover and in the "High Energy Homes that Produce Their Own Energy...." article; September 2009
Decatur Focus, Decatur, Georgia celebrating the distinction of first LEED Platinum modernist home in the Southeast US; November 2009
Ville E Case Prefabbricate magazine, Milan, Italy "On the Wings of Sustainability" which focuses on the sustainable materials choices; No. 25/2009
Modern House Book, Spring 2010, William F. Carpenter, FAIA, PhD, published by Southern Polytechnic State University
Southern Living Best Home Award, October 2008
Tour Displays Modern Living, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Nedra Rhone. Showcases the RainShine House and its sustainable features in connection with the Modern Atlanta 2009 TourRainShine House landscaping covered in Decatur Home Features Native Plants in Yard, Atlanta Business Chronicle. A conversation with the landscape architect on the RainShine House detailing the specific plants chosen for this LEED Platinum home
Episode 113 of Renovation Nation, a PBS production, July 2008, Interviewee on Metal Roofing, Residential Architect, July 2008 issue

Folk Pottery Museum of North Georgia
Associated Press review, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, December 3, 2006, Greg Bluestein
MUSEUM REVIEW, “Home for Ga. Pottery takes Fine Form”, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, September 3, 2006, Howard Pousner
Northeast Georgia LIVING Magazine, Winter Issue 2006/2007, Pamela Keene
Arts & Books, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, January 30, 2005, “Old Roots, New Digs”, Howard Pousner

Briarcreek Farmhouse
Southern Living Magazine “Open and Honest”, October 2008
Southern Living Magazine October 2008 issue. Briar Creek Farm in South Carolina featured as Best New Home
Custom Home Magazine, May/June 2008 issue, page 73
2008 Georgia Architect, published by Atlantic Publication Group, LLC
Hinge Magazine “Homecoming, New House Architecture”, issue 149, published by hinge, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Palmetto Magazine, Spring/Summer 2015 issue, "The State House", Jana Riley

St. John Residence
AMAZING SPACE Architect-Designed Homes under $300,000, Lucy D. Rosenfeld, Author, published by Schiffer Publishing Ltd., ISBN 0-7643-0642-1
Creating the Inspired House, John Connell, Author, published by Taunton Press, ISBN 1561586919, 9781561586912
PBS television production of Creating the Inspired House, 2004, John Connell, Host
Southern Living Magazine, “Sophisticated Simplicity”, Louis Joyner

Early Branch Farmhouse
Remodeling Magazine, “Down on the Farm”, September 1996 issue, Cheryl Weber
Southern Living Magazine, “Keeping Cool, the Old-fashioned Way”, August 1995 edition, Louis Joyner; and in February 1995 edition “Sympathetic Addition Expands a Restoration”, Louis Joyner
Wood leBois, Issue #15, “Carolina Farmhouse: Tradition preserved, enhanced

7Stages Theater
Arts & Entertainment November 3, 1994, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, “Major Renovation puts 7 Stages Theatre in the Spotlight”, Holly Crenshaw
Living, May 19, 1998, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, “Here comes the neighborhood – Familiar corners are boasting new looks as imaginative development repopulates intown Atlanta”, Catherine Fox

Pool Pavilion and Gardens
Historic Preservation Magazine, January/February 1992 issue, “First Prize, Sympathetic Addition

Ranch Style Redux
Green Building & Design Magazine, May+June 2015 issue, "Green Awards”
Online Publications

Briarcreek Farm