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Lick Skillet Farm


The owners, avid participants in outdoor activities, seek to build a legacy home for their family and descendants. For years they searched for the right property. This 156-acre Georgia piedmont tract fit the bill with a 13-acre lake, two creeks, wetlands and heavy mixed forestation.


Our commission, prior to designing the house, was to master plan the property.  A broad range of flora and fauna populates the site. Fauna includes deer, turkey, quail, duck, raccoon, squirrel, hawk, as well as many species of seasonal and year round song birds. Flora is dominated by mixed hardwood overgrowth with areas of mixed pines and several open areas. The understory has a solid representation of typical southern piedmont varieties. The owners wish convert the property into a wildlife preserve with areas of open hardwood forest, wetlands, meadows, wildlife orchards, planting strips for wildlife and creek bottom areas of intense flora. Additionally the owners sponsor an outdoors program for physically handicapped veterans. A network of trails allowing handicapped access to the landscape by foot and ATV is critical.


After extensive research we arrived at a solution defining areas for the house and each of the owners goals. Our proposed trails are a phased sequence of each type of terrain, habitat and landscape. The home is to be located on the edge of the existing lake with correct solar orientation for planned passive features. A water source heat pump will utilize the lake for heating and cooling. A variety of covered, screened and open porches will allow outdoor activity all year. Doors and windows will provide natural ventilation for all interior spaces. Landscaping around the house will be native materials and an organic garden will located adjacent to the house. 

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